Parkinson's disease is one of themost common neurological disorders in the world. A person with Parkinsonsdisease has progressive loss of motor coordination and movement. The loss ofbody muscle functions, the tremors, loss of speech, the rigidity and problemswith swallowing and even balance can occur. A patient may also be unable to recognize or get around.
Patients with this disease willshow few signs and symptoms. The most apparent symptom for the majority ofpatients is the slowing of movement. This movement starts from early to midage. Later stages of Parkinson's disease will show the sufferer having problemswith speech fluency and understanding. These patients will not be able toperform daily tasks or even simple ones.
parkinson'sdisease brain was first discovered in 1817 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Itwas caused by the destruction of brain cells which produce dopamine. Dopamineis essential for the nerve impulses and also controls muscle movements. Itplays a very important role in the patients motor coordination. The disease wasnamed after Dr. Parkinsons who identified it.
The causes of the disease are notyet known and it is still under research. There is no permanent cure for thedisease. However, there are treatments which can improve the condition of apatient suffering from Parkinson's disease. Two of the most common forms oftreatment are medication and physical therapy.
Parkinsons diseasemedications are available in the form of tablets, capsules, oral medications,gels and sprays. The medications are given either as liquid or tablets. Theoral medications are taken by crushing the tablets and drinking the medicine.The liquid medications need to be swabbed on the tongue and swallowed.
The oral medications havedifferent dosages and they can be increased or decreased according to the needof the patient. The medications are often used in combination with physicaltherapy. Physical therapy mainly aims at improving the motor skills ofpatients. Physical therapists can use a variety of techniques and exercises toimprove the motor skills. Some of these exercises include swimming, strengthtraining, balance and coordination.
Another form of treatment for thedisease is surgery. Surgery for Parkinsons disease can be performed undergeneral anesthesia. Under this treatment, muscles and joints are paralyzed andthey cannot move. Patients may suffer permanent loss of muscle function andsome speech and language facilities may also be lost. The surgery is generallydone only when all avenues of treatment have been tried and failed.
Physical therapy and surgery areexpensive and they require time. This is why most people afflicted with thedisease choose to go for medicine. There is a chance of relapse aftertreatments. It is important for everyone with Parkinsons disease to follow alltreatment instructions to help avoid any relapses or complications.
People affected with Parkinsonsdisease are usually diagnosed at an early age. Early detection helps preventother complications. Meningitis is one of the complications of Parkinsonsdisease. It is caused by infection of the brain or spinal cord. The symptoms ofmeningitis include fluid filled eyes, stiff neck and headache. Other symptomsinclude low fever and loss of consciousness.
Another complication of thedisease includes what is called progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy orPML. PML is a rare condition wherein the patients see and hear but no pain.This is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the brain. This is alife-threatening disease that requires intensive hospitalization and constantmonitoring.
The disease shows many signs andsymptoms, and each one is different from the other. Some of these are loss ofmemory, trouble talking, stiff neck, severe depression, decreased sense ofreality and social withdrawal. Many patients have difficulty swallowing andbreathing. They often drool and experience urinary retention.
Unfortunately, most patients withParkinsons disease can never lead a normal life. Their body's functions arevery slow and they are at great risk for infections and complications. However,studies show that there is a 20% success rate in treating patients with thisdisease using Ajmal Dawakhan UK.